Next generation healthcare data applications

Bringing the latest analytics advances to healthcare with confidential, secure and auditable AI.

It’ll be quicker than you think!

Chat privately with your data

Thanks to our technology you can use the latest AI models to talk with your data, without compromising its confidentiality. And, all the while, maintaining comprehensive and explainable logs of what the AI did.

Bespoke data apps that update in response to your usage

Let’s be honest, few dashboards stay relevant for long. Operational circumstances change, commissioning changes, patient needs develop over time. The data that you most needed in January last year is unlikely to be the same as January next year.

We keep an eye on how our apps are being used, so that we can filter out the parts you’re no longer viewing and build things that give you the information that you need more of.

We’re your dedicated analytics partner

We don’t just hand you a data platform and leave you to manage it. We manage it. We’ll be your analytics partner in whatever ways you need us to be. At the most granular level we can take on responsibility for data extraction and uploading to diagnostic and predictive analytics.


  • There is an intuitively simple answer to that - we never let the AI see your data. Instead we give the AI a semantic representation of the look and shape of your data, without a single byte ever going to an AI agent.

  • No. We never expose your data to the AI in any way, or for any reason. Your data’s sole purpose is to support your decision making.

  • Because every part of our digital supply chain is carefully vetted to ensure that it meets the latest established security measures.